Flash Drive bracelet with 20 worship songs from Daniel


Flash Drive bracelet with 20 worship songs from Daniel in Hebrew and English + transliteration of the Hebrew texts to English + many pictures from The Sea Of Galilee

*When buying over 150 dollars, the shipping will be on us




EMBRACE the Land, the Sea of Galilee with its Worship Boats, Daniel Carmel and his family.
Above all Embrace The King of Kings with the worship music and videos that is loaded on thie Bracelet!
If you ever have been on the WORSHIP BOATS with DANIEL then you will have a trip down memory
lane with the beautiful Music videos especially created for you. Let your pulse beat to the sound of the
place where Yeshua spent a lot of his time.

By buying one or more of these bracelets, you are supporting Daniel Carmel; a believer in Yeshua, and his family in this difficult time.
Due to world events the tourism world came to a standstill in Israel and Daniel & his family are challenged to “stay afloat” financially.
He says although the one side of this situation has a negative impact there is a positive side in that he has added time to record and
write new songs and he also has more time to spend with his family.
Perhaps you floated and sailed on one of Daniel’s boats now let’s help him float by buying one of these EMBRACE-lets.